
Friday, February 19, 2010

Voice Your Opinion

Students, click the link below to let us know what you want to get from PCHS. How can we help you be more prepared for the future you envision for yourself? Parents, we want to hear from you, too. You entrust us with your most valuable possession under the understanding that we will do what is best for them. Tell us what you want.

I look forward to hearing from you. With your help, we can make PCHS successful beyond our wildest dreams.


  1. I would be a lot nicer if there were a wider selection of classes to choose from during your four years at Paris Cooperative High School.
    Austin Winkler

  2. I think that for high school we should like start out by selecting a "Major" Then going through high school working on the things that we need for it.

  3. I like Matt's idea of a major. That would be great for people that plan for college. Plus, we should have more A.P. classes. The only A.P. classes are History and maybe Literature.That is really sad. There is a difference between stupidity and laziness. I worked hard, got great grades, and learned a lot back at Mayo. Now, I am lazy and don't really want to do anything. The reason why is because of the learning environment. At May, I was surrounded by intelligent people, someone to match wits with. Because every single one of my classes were other people that were smart. We were all in advance classes. In this high school the only person I have to match wits with is the teacher and when I do that they just think I am being a smart allic or a stupid juvenile delinquent that thinks he's smart. I don't know about you but I don't like being called "uneducated" and I quote, Mr. Ogle.

    Kevin Dalia

  4. You quote incorrectly. I said I was the most educated. I would never call a student uneducated because that would mean that I had failed in my job to educate them. As for you wit-matching, I told you that learning to so it in a more respectful way would help you go farther in life, which is what I want for all of my students.

  5. I think that it is better that we dont have a major, because if we did and we decided to change majors half way through the quarter or year for that matter it would mess everything up. That would throw us farther of course then we are now, if we even are. This way it gives us a little bit of preparation for whatever major we may pick, almost like a cushion for whatever we want to do.

    Sean Murphy
    7th hour

  6. I would enjoy to see a wider variety of classes to choose from also. I see what you are trying to say, Mr. Ogle. I think the school is doing well, and it is a lot different from middle school. It's a good different. I think if we did more activities in the classroom that gets you up, and on your feet it would encourage students to want to learn more. Being active and a part of the activity is a great way to learn.
    - Cassie Kemper, 3rd Hour.
