
Thursday, January 21, 2010

What do I have to do?

We discussed a story in my English 10L class yesterday that really started me thinking about the mistakes that I see so many students make in regards to how they view their goals in life. In the story, a young boy wishes to win a game of hide-and-seek with a group of older kids so that he would be accepted as one of them. He knew that he was always regarded as being "lesser" by the older children because he was not able to compete and win the way they did. In order to accomplish his goal, he showed great determination and personal courage (two traits I admire greatly) by hiding in a extremely hot, uncomfortable shed in spite of his fear of the dark and anything that could be lurking nearby. The mistake this character made, however, is that he was so focused on his greater goal of "winning" that he never took the time to formulate a step-by-step plan of what he needed to do to win. He hid in the shed so long that the game ended, and his playmates moved on to other activities. In fact, he hid in there for so long that they completely forgot about him. It wasn't until he emerged from the shed that he realized he had missed his opportunity to win by being too far-sighted. I was happy to get the chance to have this discussion with my students because I know they all have great dreams for what life will be like when they are adults (nice house, nice car, fun vacations, etc.), but many of them fail to see all of the steps they need to take to get there.

I would like to hear what some of you have planned for yourself in the future and what steps do you see yourself needing to take to get there.


  1. i have decided to be one of the big part of the law. i want to be a police officer. I just dont want to be that just so that i can ride in a nice police car and put people in jail. i want to be it just because i like law and what it is about. i understand that i have to go to school for a long time but i am up for that.
    tj waltz

  2. I want to be an OB/GYN when i'm older. I've wanted to be this for a long time. To get to where i want to be in the medical field, as an OB/GYN, it's going to take a lot of schooling. Probably about eight years. Eight years of school is a long time, but to reach where you want to be in life, it takes time.

    Mallory Henn
    4th hour
    English 9C

  3. As a sophmore in highschool, I now have found out what I want to be...a teacher. I know I could do something that "makes more money" as my mom says, but I want to become a teacher because I know I enjoy teaching people about things they don't know. I love my mom, but she needs to understand that I want to be happy with my life. I don't want to do something that I think seems boring. Also I know that I will have to go to school for AT LEAST four years of college, but I'm okay with that. I have been going to school for 11 years, I don't think more added on is going to kill me.
    -Nikki McMullen

  4. I have decided to join the United States Air Force, so they could pay for my college and to see the world. I might want to make it into my career.
    Austin Winkler

  5. I want a job in agriculture. so I am taking ag classes and then i am goiong to go to a college that has a great agriculture program out in the west near my grandparents.

  6. I want to be a writer/photographer. I love to write, and it is something that I believe I will always be comfortable doing, along with taking photos and capturing moments. I plan on going to college at an art school, to help me learn most of what I need to know. I also have written many stories, and I carry around something to write down scenes that come into my head. I really hope to have my books published someday, and I will work as hard as possible to achieve my goals. (:

  7. First, I am going to go to my college prep school. Only three kinds of people get into a college prep school like this: smart, rich, or athletic. Make some new friends and I'm sure that at least one of the will have a parent that is a good lawyer. I'm sure that I will appeal to the lawyer because I am really smart and I want to be a lawyer when I grow up. After all this is the only reason why you like me, Mr. Ogle.(you just don't like me because I am cocky about how smart I am). Eventually do something that would make one of the top three colleges want me so get another full scholarship(Harvard, Yale, Stanford). The lawyer's recommendation should help. Plus, I plan on working under a lawyer to get job experience and that would look pretty good too. Become a talented lawyer that doesn't represent every sleeze ball that comes into my office. Work for a firm for a while and then go freelance once my name is well known. After I'm done moving up in law I will settle down, get married , and have two to four children. Maybe I will do something else around the time I turn forty.

    Kevin Dalia

  8. In the future, I would like to go into the medical field. I'd like to be an OB/GYN and in order to get there, I'd have to take my school work serioiusly and take a lot of it. However, I feel that studying for eight extra years will certainly be paid off when I'm watching one of my patients leaving knowing that I helped them.

  9. In the future, I would like to go into the medical field. I'd like to be an OB/GYN and in order to get there, I'd have to take my school work serioiusly and take a lot of it. However, I feel that studying for eight extra years will certainly be paid off when I'm watching one of my patients leaving knowing that I helped them.

    Ashlee Sinclair 2nd Hour
    (forgot my name)
