
Monday, January 16, 2012


"The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities."
~Stephen R. Covey

I'm always amazed when I talk to people with hobbies. Whether it is golfing, making crafts, reading (for pleasure), or just about any other thing people do for no purpose other than the feeling they get from doing, I am always envious of hobbyists. It isn't that I necessarily want to do what they do; the fact is that many people's hobbies would bore the daylights out of me. No, the thing that paints me green is simply that they have a hobby. I've never really had what I would call a hobby. I've flirted with hobbies before, and there are a list of things that I would love to spend time doing, but I have to admit that I have always failed to establish something that I regularly do for enjoyment. Don't get me wrong, I do things for enjoyment, but not many of them are productive. I think hobbies should be productive. The problem I have is that by the time I'm done with all of the productive things I have to do on any given day, I don't have much left in the tank for something unnecessarily productive. Then, while doing something enjoyable but wholly unproductive- watching television- I had an epiphany.

I was watching a show called The Middle. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this program, it is a sitcom that centers on a family of five in rural Indiana. The parents both work, and the kids are a strangely familiar mix of people you may actually know. They live in a house that has clearly been decorated bit by bit over a couple of decades of not being able to afford an interior designer, and their dishwasher requires duct tape in order to work. In a sentence, it is a show about my family and quite a few families I know. It is refreshing to see a sitcom that I can relate to. Don't get me wrong, I also enjoy shows about Naval Criminal Investigation Service agents and lovable physicists with a passion for all things nerdy, but I don't really connect with those characters. This connection to the characters in The Middle is the source of my epiphany. The mother, Frankie, comes to the realization in last week's episode that they spend so much time doing the unpleasant things they don't really want to do that they don't have time to the things they really do want to do. She references missing fun holiday events to do laundry and passing on birthdays and anniversaries in order to fulfill other menial household tasks. She realized her "To Do" list was out of whack. Her realization became my realization. My priorities are usually listed like this:

-Things I have to do.
-Things I really should do
-Fall asleep
-Dream about the things I'd really like to do
-Wake up

The fact is that I have a hobby. There are a couple of things that I really enjoy doing. In fact, I enjoy doing these two things so much, that I actually majored in it in college. I love to read books, and I love to write. The problem is that I put all of the things that are supposedly more important ahead of doing either of them as a hobby. Do I read? Sure. I read all of the time, but very little of it is based on enjoyment. I read emails, instructions, and homework assignments. Do I write? Absolutely. I write assignment instructions, emails, hall passes, and feedback on IEP progress reports. I've spent the last couple of years lamenting the fact that I don't have time to read the books I'd like to read or write the things I'd like to write. I find pockets of time here and there, spread out over months of time for these activities, but I'd hardly call that a rewarding hobby. That is until that episode of The Middle when I realized that much like the characters on the screen, I've had my priorities out of whack. I need to start putting my hobbies higher on the list. It depresses me to look at my two blogs (this post appears on both) and realize that children born on the dates of my last posts are old enough to walk. I am resolving with this post to change that. I am resolving to put my hobbies closer to the top of the list. I am resolving to blog once a week (I require my Creative Writing students to do it, why shouldn't I allow myself to do it?) and read a novel a month (A pathetic goal for someone who used to read a novel in a day, but it takes baby steps).

Just to prove that this isn't an empty goal, I am writing this post with a stack of work sitting next to me. I have student work to grade, lesson plans to create, hundreds of pages of assigned reading and assignments from my grad classes, and laundry to fold, but I am taking the time to do something I want to do before I even touch the things I need to do, and I feel better about the day already.


  1. to start of I love The Middle. I also agree with how u connected that episode with how people tend to do what they have to do,(that they could do later) over what they want to do. That they might not be able to do later. I belive that every family should do better at doing something that they love, and maybe delaying a chore or something of that sort for a couple hours and spend time with their families, or to do something for themselves.
    -- Chelsea Witmer hr.3

  2. I think having a schedule in life is helpful sometimes. I mean if you do have a lot of hobbies then you need to know what time your activities start and who your going to go with tot he activities. I also think that everyone should continue doing what they attend and love doing everyday either its with there families or friends or yet alone. *Fize Selimoska third hour

  3. I really enjoyed this post. I really do enjoy the blog you have written, I really also want to see that movie, I've heard it does have a really good message which I think is really awesome. Your blog is really well written, and I enjoy it and totally agree :)
    -Maddie Johnson, Creative Writing.

  4. I really enjoyed this post. I really do enjoy the blog you have written, I really also want to see that movie, I've heard it does have a really good message which I think is really awesome. Your blog is really well written, and I enjoy it and totally agree :)
    -Maddie Johnson, Creative Writing.

  5. Good for you. I think everybody should have some sort of hobbby to fall back on, either when they are bored and have free time. Me, being a high school student in many activities, i don't get much time to even start to have a hobby.

  6. I also have the same problem with having no time to do things that I want. I am always busy with homework, sports, and chores. I would like to have a hobby that I could have but there is absolutely just no time. My goal is to have at least three good paintings done by the end of the summer because that's what I like to do. Last summer I thought about it but never got around to it and I would love to this year.
    -Brianna Blair 5th hour

  7. I have never seen that show, or every really heard of it. I always find it to be a rather interesting thing whenever I put my "hobbies" infront of other things in my life. Would you call sports a hobby? Well, there's been many times where I'd delay school work/chores to go run or play basketball to clear my head. Hobbies are a great thing and it's good that you are going to start doing more of what you love (:

    Kelsey Keller; 3rd hour.

  8. I think it is a great thing to put the things I love before other things. I understand what you are saying. It is very important to do things like school work, but it is even more important to do the things I love too. I am the kind of person who can't just come home straight after school to do my homework. I just got done with stuff I don't like to do! Before I do my schoolwork, I do things I love to do such as playing softball. After softball, I come home and do all of my work. It takes so much weight off of my shoulders knowing that I don't always have to do thinks productive at a moment in time. I need time to enjoy myself, just like everyone does.
    -- Cassie Kemper ; 3rd hour.

  9. Everyone should have schedule to go by. Whether there is only a couple things on there. If not they will focus on one thing, and the other things that need done, most likely will not.

    Kylie Knight ---- Applied Comp --- 7th hour

  10. - I don't always have my priorites planned out right, sometimes what i think is important, isn't what my mom thinks is important. Even though i deep down know what my top priority is, i can't always get myself interestef or motivated enough to make the most important at the top of my list. I'm slowly but surely getting better, but it's going to take many years before i get it right!

  11. I like to think that my priorites aren't out of whack but then when i actually think about it they somewhat are. I know what needs to be at the top of the list and it goes there and thats what i think about all day just getting that one thing done then when it comes down to doing it something better comes along.

    Brittany Swanson :) 1st hour

  12. I sometimes like to think that my priorities isn't crazy. Sometimes I know what needs to be done but i never get to it. I think about it al day then my mind goes somewhere else. I get distracted and then forget what i had to do.

  13. I like to think that my priorities arn't crazy one bit. But i know they are because im all over the place usually. With work,school. But lately i been putting of school work to hang with my friends which really hasn't worked out to well this sestmer for me one bit. I usually get back on track wtih my priorities when i put my head to it.

    Lizzie Bishop

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I think that people's priorities need to come before play. Sometimes what you think is a priority might not be considered a priority to others. I like to put what I think is my biggest priorty at the top of the list so that I will get it done before the other things that might not be as important.

    Logan Farnham - 7th Hour

  16. I think that everyone needs a schedule on what they need to do on a daily basis or at least something to look forward to, or they will never get anything done because their mind will be wondering off somewhere else and not be concentrated on the important things that need to be done.

    Dakota Simpson 6th hour

  17. I don't see how people can read for fun its so boring to me that i can't read for to long with out getting bored. I would just play football to pass the time.

    Tony Harris 7th hour

  18. Reading does improve perception and intellegence level. I think that is true. You most definitely gain more of a vocabulary than anything. The main point perception is held at by the simple association of putting words together and making them out in real life situations.
    Alex Fenza 1st Hour

  19. Maybe more things in life shouldnt be so prioritized god and family should be priorities... then things can come after as being in portant but nothnig should be above them.

    Ronnie Brown

  20. i feel that priorities change depending on what you really want to do. if your head strong your going to skip your hobbies and finish what you are suppose to do. but if your a student or have a personality of a student your going to skip what you have to do and enjoy your hobbies. and hobbies make a person more happy and release stress. i hope that when i get older i will still make time in a busy schedule to have a hobby! i think alot of adults are like this!
    -fonda board

  21. Your priorities are what matter most to you. If you want to do well in life your career will be your first priority. If you are like me my feelings get the best of me and I put my family and friends at my first priority.
    -Erin Marietta 2nd hour

  22. My priorites are all screwed up. I have softball where I leave everyday and miss 8th hour and health occ where it's like i'm never even at school! Shouldn'y have been in softball!

  23. Talk about screwed up, i'd be lucky if i could come home and not have to go to work right away and get off at 3 or 4 in the morning. That way, i wouldn't be scrambling to get my homework done early in the morning before school.

    Brady Smith 2nd Hour CW

  24. Although, I know what my top priorities are.. I usually don't seem to really make them the things I do first. My parents might disagree with my priories but if it's something I want to do, I will more than likely do it at some point in time. I think that having a to do list would definitely be helpful to everyone so that they can keep on track of what they need to get done and when they need to get it done by.

    Megan Temples -- 2nd Hour

  25. "Get your priorities straight" - "Know your responsibilites" - "Because that's what you have to do"... This plus a multitude of other things I hear on a definite weekly basis. I know my priorities, sure. I know what needs to be done and I comfortably can say I have the mental capacity to do these things. But that's where I struggle.... My mental capacity has been stretched and expands far past what needs to be done, to what I could be doing or want to be doing. This kind of things truly puts me at a loss for words, and it's hard to explain to people sometimes. So, in the simplest of terms, I was born to entertain. I know everyone has their dreams and everyone has things they'd like to do, but my mind has fully convinced itself that it needs to be working on it's future in entertainment. It just doesn't seem like a good idea in my eyes, it seems like the only idea. It's a curse I will forever struggle with and trust me, trying to fix. I don't know it's just... I don't think myself highly to the point of being better than anyone and everyone needs to drop what they're doing to see that I reach this goal. Far from it. I just kow I've been blessed with unique talents, and with the proper skills training, I could use them to my advantage. But I have school, and basketball, and homework, and the lawn needs to be mowed, and a job application to fill, and laundry to do, and a car to be washed, and on and on and on and..... you get the point. It's not fair to put this weight on other people's lives, so I've leared to save this kind of stuff for people who want to know. (and extra credit). It's just I dream night after night of being someone worth mentioning and looking into, and wake up into horrible reality. Not horrible, I rahter enjoy my life, but a constant reminder that things could be different. It's hard to prioritize, when my hobbies have weaseled their way into my constant thought and convinced my wondering mind that they need to be a priority. Life is hard. Everyone has their own problems, and I have things that need to be done. But for some reason I convince myself over and over to do the opposite. Maybe sometime you could talk some sense into me, exchange a word or two. I know you're a busy man and I'll never hold you to it if you don't, but I just like hearing it on a more personal level. You know? But until my life's path is set, and I have but one direction to go, I will forever be wondering in and out of the right and wrong paths, trying to find the right one.

  26. To the individual priorities are easily explained and perhaps simply defined in the aspect of simple conversation. However in the spectrum of application those priorities are part of a distant reality, so in a sense the goal of priorities is not related to the priority at hand but the drive of the person behind the priority needed.
    -Austin stewart

  27. We all have priorities and your top priorities change by doing what matters the most to you. Most of us do what we want to do over what we need to do.

    Jeff Robinson

  28. I know this was posted in 2012, but I just came across it. My family and I always watch The Middle! My favorite character has been Sue. She always sets her priorities first and tries hard at everything she does; even if she never makes any teams. She's pretty motivational! Anyways setting priorities are important in life.

    -makenzie t

  29. I think that many people are not able to keep tract of their prioritizes or they are, but they do not understand the importance of them sometimes. Some kids do not end up doing as well as they could in school because they do not always put their priorities first like they should. I think that it should be talked about more than just being lectured at about it. Some people would benefit from it.
    Madison Gates 5th hour

  30. Mr. Covey's quote could not be more true! I constantly see people looking at things the wrong way. People spend so much time planning they dont realize what they are missing. I think no matter your age, your "free time" is minimal. I often hear people complaining about their busy schedules. Most adults complain that they are always running around with their kids. I don't know if the parents realize while you are running us around, we are with you and doing activities inbetween. The children are busy as well. We spend all day at school, all evening at activities, and come home to do homework. It is difficult to have any free time. Even the weekends are always full of priorities. I do have a goal of taking time out of each day and do something that I enjoy, productive or not. I know that I am fortunate enough to have a few months off in the summer to re-prioritize. I make the most out of it, but I do end up with several priorities even during the summer. Reading your blog makes it clear to me that I may as well get used to the idea of having priorities and goals and appreciate the free time I do have.
    Dillan Dorjahn
    1st hour
